Monday, March 11, 2019

How To Get Sturdy Shedinja

Hope you enjoy learning how to use sturdy shedinja in ou doubles! (i will get rid of the bandicam watermark eventually, i promise!) pastebin of team: unkillable shedinja! pokemon omega ruby. Shedinja defeated everyone, i only had gardevoir with thunder wave and forretress with toxic but i chose gardevoir because i though the prz would make shedinja lose accuracy but i just couldn't deal damage against it.. For this, you'd probably want fast users of both entrainment and mimic to get them onto shedinja asap. however, the problem is, the fastest user of mimic with sturdy is magneton. and because you're facing multiple pokemon, sturdy / focus sash doesn't necesarily help, as multi targetting is a thing..

Sturdy shedinja. love it or hate it, sturdinja is an absolute monster. by passing the ability sturdy onto shedinja, it becomes immune to all direct attacks. sturdy allows a pokemon to survive any hit with 1hp - which means shedinja is left with full hp, ready to take hits forever and ever.. Shedinja having sturdy? 0 votes . 1,241 views. for a skill swap strategy, i would have an espeon use skill swap on a geodude. the geodude will survive the first turn because of sturdy. and have the sturdy shedinja spam follow me when there is a threat of burn or poison and have another pokemon spam aromatherapy or heal bell. watch the. Then it will have to be skill swapped by a pokemon that has sturdy, and carbink is the only pokemon that can do that. if you take out shedinja, carbink, or the entrainment/worry seed/gastro acid user first, then the entire strategy falls apart, and chances are your opponent won't be able to turn it around at that point..

how to get sturdy shedinja

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